Open Journal Systems升级数据库的方法

Open Journal Systems升级数据库的方法

获得最新的 Open Journal Systems(OJS) 代码后,必须运行一个附加脚本,通过升级 OJS 数据库并可能执行附加升级代码来完成升级过程。此脚本可以从命令行或通过 OJS Web 界面执行。

如果您安装了 PHP 的 CLI 版本(例如,/usr/bin/php),您可以按如下方式升级数据库:
– Edit and change “installed = On” to “installed = Off”
– Run the following command from the OJS directory (not including the $): $ php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
– Re-edit and change “installed = Off” back to “installed = On”

如果您没有安装 PHP CLI,您也可以通过运行基于 Web 的脚本进行升级。
– Edit and change “installed = On” to “installed = Off”
– Open a web browser to your OJS site; you should be redirected to the installation and upgrade page
– Select the “Upgrade” link and follow the on-screen instructions
– Re-edit and change “installed = Off” back to “installed = On”